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Excursions in Trieste

Itineraries and Excursions in Trieste

Let yourselves be caressed by the marine breeze and warmed by the rays of the sun which reflect from the blue sea, all thanks to an excursion which will bring you to unforgettable places.

Sailing on the Lisert Canal until you get to open sea, you will reach the cliffs of Duino where you can see the Dama Bianca: a rock that looks like a woman wrapped in a cape and just below it the ruins of an old castle. Continuing you can admire Castelvecchio, the Prince beach and the rock of Dante.

Following the beautiful coast you come and dock at Porto Piccolo, a marina filled with restaurants and cafes or at Canovella degli Zoppoli, a small but suggestive marina where you find a small restaurant nestled between the blue sea and the green coast.

After a swim in the crystal waters of the Costa Dei Barbari, we then sail the waters to get to the spectacular Miramare Castle. The last stage of the trip is mooring in Marina San Giusto, near Piazza Unita, where you immerse yourself in the heart of Trieste.

On the way back, if there is still some time left, we will stop in Punta Sdobba. This area is famous for its shallow waters where you can walk in the water, play ball and relax on the beach.

The itineraries are also available with a driver upon reservation.

Excursion along the coast of Trieste (4 hours)

Excursion along the coast of Trieste (4 hours)

This itinerary permits you to admire the coast and arrive in Trieste at Piazza Unita. After a brief stopover we sail back up the mouth of the Isonzo river Nature Reserve.

1. Departure from Monfalcone
2. Duino
3. Sistiana, Porto Piccolo, Costa Dei Barbari
4. Canovella Degli Zoppoli
5. Aurisina
6. Santa Croce
7. Grignano Miramare
8. Trieste Centro (dock at Marina San Giusto)*
9. Punta Sdobba
10. Fiume Isonzo

* Mooring Ban

Excursion on the shallow waters ( 4 hours)

Excursion on the shallow waters ( 4 hours)

This excursion brings you towards the shallow waters to then go back up the Isonzo river. We then go to Trieste and stop in Piazza Unita to admire the beautiful panorama of the coast.

1. Departure from Monfalcone, Villaggio Del Pescatore
2. Duino
3. Punta Sdobba
4. Fiume Isonzo
5. Trieste center (mooring in Marina San Giusto)*
6. Grignano Miramare
7. Santa Croce
8. Aurisina
9. Canovella Degli Zoppoli
10. Sistiana, Porto Piccolo, Costa Dei Barbari
11. Duino

* Mooring Ban

From Grado to the Castle of Miramare

Excursion from Grado to the Castle of Miramare (8 hours)

This is the perfect itinerary to admire the coast! This navigation brings you along the canals of the Lagoon of Grado where you can observe the beautiful flora and fauna. We then proceed in open sea for Trieste. On the way back you can admire the Castle of Miramare and the amazing coast.

1. Departure Monfalcone
2. Duino
3. Sistiana
4. Canovella Degli Zoppoli
5. Punta Sdobba
6. River Isonzato in the direction of Grado/Venezia
7. Navigable canal in the direction of Grado
8. Canal/mouth Isonzo Primero
9. Trieste
10. Grignano Miramare
11. Santa Croce
12. Aurisina

From the coast to Grado

Excursion from the coast to Grado (8 hours)

This itinerary will allow you to admire the coast as you proceed towards the Sanctuary of Barbana and finally arrive in Grado crossing the canals.

1. Departure Monfalcone
2. Duino
3. Punta Sdobba
4. River Sozzato in direction Grado/Venezia
5. Navigable canal in direction Grado
6. Sanctuary of Barbana
7. The center of Grado
8. View from the main canal of Grado “ Bricole rosse Bricole Verdi”
9. Headlight which delimits the area of low tide in Grado Pineta
10. Primero Canal (camping grounds)
11. Headlight which delimits the area of low tide in Punta Sdobba
12. Sistiana, Porto Piccolo, Costa Dei Barbari